Via della Tecnica 5-7
I-20833 Giussano (MB)
Telephone: +39 0362 3151
Fax: +39 0362 311 090
Chemetall Italia S.r.l and Chemetall S.r.l. are located in Giussano (MB) with a total surface area of about 30.000 sqm, including production site, offices and labs. Chemetall Italia is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 14001:2004, ISO/TS 16949:2009 and OHSAS 18001.
Via del Lavoro 17
I-33080 Roveredo in Piano
Telephone: +39 0434 59 04 22
Fax: +39 0 434 59 04 01
Kendell is a distributor of Chemetall Italia S.r.l. and is located in Roveredo in Piano (PN). Dedicated to the Customer satisfaction, Kendell fullfills the main targets and focus of Chemetall Group in Italy.
Politica Salute Sicurezza Ambiente
Informativa clienti e fornitori Chemetall Italia srl
Informativa clienti e fornitori Chemetall srl