In the past few years, efforts to protect the environment have increased greatly and are now taken very seriously in many industrialized countries. Climate change and the prudent use of limited resources are challenges that we want to address. Official requirements are equally becoming increasingly stringent and the demands and expectations of the different stakeholder groups are rising.
As a commercial entity operating in the chemicals industry sector, environmental, health and safety as well as plant safety are top priorities in our daily activities. Already by the mid 90s, comprehensive environmental guidelines were in force at Dynamit Nobel, Chemetall’s parent company at that time.
There can be no standing still when it comes to health, safety and environmental concerns. Economic and social conditions are constantly changing, on the one hand, while there is constant progress in science and technology, on the other. Any kind of industrial production inevitably impacts the environment, so environmental concerns and health and safety matters will always remain high on our company's agenda.
We constantly make improvements to all aspects of our business : improvements to process engineering in production plants, improvements to organizational processes, optimizing our use of resources, reducing waste, emissions and effluents. This and much more is accompanied by Six Sigma methods. We will continue to do everything in our power to prevent failures and accidents as far as it is humanly possible and to further improve the safety of our plants for our neighbors and employees. This includes of course also the continuous training and development of our employees.
Product information, approvals, technical datasheets can be found in our product database.
Literature, presentations, photos and many more can be found in our Media Library.
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