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The Perfect Connection

You can`t choose your family – but you can choose your employer! At Chemetall you are not left out but in the center of it and become part of a big family with around 2.000 family members worldwide. Chemetall thinks global and acts local. The company´s heart beats in Frankfurt along with 22 production sites worldwide.


Elective affinity

In the old days chemists believed that substances which react together have a sort of elective affinity. As elements stemming from old correlations tend to seek new and stable connections, they were called elective affinities. At Chemetall all employees experience this elective affinity with each other and with their company – every day.


Being part of it

In Germany some 450 employees along with 15 apprentices are committed to our success at the locations in Frankfurt (headquarters, sales department, research and development) and Langelsheim in the Harz region (production). Long-term perspectives, new exciting challenges and innovative freedom are not just mere words to us – but lived values. They are fundamental to our success story which has been written to a great extend by our long-serving employees, which we are proud of.

We would be pleased if you became part of Chemetall in the near future.



Jürgen Ehinger
Senior HR Consultant